Troubleshooting of common issue

My account is locked. How can I log in again?

There are various reasons why your mySecondTeacher account may be locked. One of the most common reasons is multiple failed login attempts. This is done as a security measure to protect your account from unauthorized access.

If you are unable to sign in to your account due to multiple failed password attempts, the first step is to wait at least 10 minutes before trying again.

Once the 10-minute lockout period has passed, try signing in again with your correct username and password. If you still cannot access your account, you may need to reset your password by clicking on the “forgot your password” link on the login page.

Note :

If your account has been locked, you should receive an email from us explaining the reason for the lock and providing you with instructions on how to recover your account. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure the security of your account.

If you did not receive an email from us, please check your spam folder or contact our support team through the live chat service at the bottom right corner of the website. You can also contact our support team via phone at 9801010155/9801010144, or by email at for assistance.

If you have additional queries, then feel free to contact our support team via our Online Chat feature. Our support team are available 6 AM to 10:30 PM, 365 days for you. You can access the online chat even without logging in.