
Why is my password not being accepted while trying to log in?

Your password is not being accepted because you might have entered an incorrect user Login ID or password.

  • To ensure that your user login ID and password are correct, please make sure that the Caps Lock is turned off and that you are typing your password in the correct format.
  • If you are still encountering issues, you may be prompted to complete a captcha verification to confirm that you are a human user and not a bot attempting to gain unauthorized access to the system.
  • If you continue to experience problems accessing your account, please click on the “forgot password” option to reset your password. 
  • You can also contact our support team via phone at 9801010155/9801010144, or by email at for assistance.

If you have additional queries, then feel free to contact our support team via our Online Chat feature. Our support team are available 6 AM to 10:30 PM, 365 days for you. You can access the online chat even without logging in.