Login and Registration

I have trouble signing in. What should I do?

If you’re having trouble signing in, don’t worry, we’re here to help! The most common reason for sign-in issues is entering the wrong email address or password. So, please recheck your user id and password and be mindful of the Caps Lock button as well.

If the problem still persists, our dedicated platform support team is available to assist you through our live chat service located at the bottom-right corner of the website. 

You can also contact our user care team via phone at 9801010155/9801010144, or by email at help@mysecondteacher.com.np for assistance.

If you have additional queries, then feel free to contact our support team via our Online Chat feature. Our support team are available 6 AM to 10:30 PM, 365 days for you. You can access the online chat even without logging in.