Login and Registration

How do I sign up?

Welcome to mySecondTeacher Nepal! To get started, follow these easy steps:

1. Visit our website at “mysecondteacher.com.np.
2. Click on the ‘Register for free’ button at the upper right corner.
3. Choose your user type: ‘I am a Student‘ or ‘I am a Parent.’
4. (For students) Select your grade. (Note: This step is optional for parents.)
5. Enter your full name and email address.
6. Set a strong password (ensure it meets our security requirements).
7. Click ‘Create My Account’ to complete the registration process.

Once done, check your email for a verification or activation link. Activate your account to access mySecondTeacher and unlock a world of learning.

If you have additional queries, then feel free to contact our support team via our Online Chat feature. Our support team are available 6 AM to 10:30 PM, 365 days for you. You can access the online chat even without logging in.