Login and Registration

Can I change my registration details later?

Yes, you can update your registration details if you have self-registered on the platform. Follow these steps to modify your information:

1. Click on the top right icon or your profile picture in mySecondTeacher.
2. Select ‘My Profile.’
3. Navigate to the ‘Basic Information’ tab on the left side.
4. Make the necessary changes to your registration details.
5. Click ‘Save Changes.’ ( Note: If any of your details, such as the email address, were provided by your school/college, please refrain from changing them independently. If you wish to update such information, kindly consult with the respective school/college department for assistance)

If you have additional queries, then feel free to contact our support team via our Online Chat feature. Our support team are available 6 AM to 10:30 PM, 365 days for you. You can access the online chat even without logging in.